Search Results: "arturo"

29 December 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: My FLOSS activity in 2016

GNU Linux The year 2016, which is about to end, has been full of work and contributions to the FLOSS comunity. Most of my focus goes to two important projects: Debian and Netfilter. This is no coincidence, since my main interests in the IT world are systems and networks. Some numbers (no exhaustive count): I would like to note that most of my work is done in my spare time, and nobody is paying for it (with the exeption of the Suricata debian package). My expectation for 2017 is to continue in this line, learn more and increment the quality of my contributions. I m especially proud of the the non-technical people who migrated to desktop linux due to my help. I m targeting 2 or 3 more friends and relatives for 2017. So, goodbye 2016! Exciting 2017 ahead.

30 November 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Creating a team for netfilter packages in debian

Debian - Netfilter There are about 15 Netfilter packages in Debian, and they are maintained by separate people. Yersterday, I contacted the maintainers of the main packages to propose the creation of a pkg-netfilter team to maintain all the packages together. The benefits of maintaining packages in a team is already known to all, and I would expect to rise the overall quality of the packages due to this movement. By now, the involved packages and maintainers are: We should probably ping Jochen Friedrich as well who maintains arptables and ebtables. Also, there are some other non-official Netfilter packages, like iptables-persistent. I m undecided to what to do with them, as my primary impulse is to only put in the team upstream packages. Given the release of Stretch is just some months ahead, the creation of this packaging team will happen after the release, so we don t have any hurry moving things now.

21 November 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Great Debian meeting in Seville

Debian meeting Seville Last week we had an interesting Debian meeting in Seville, Spain. This has been the third time (in recent years) the local community meets around Debian. We met at about 20:00 at Rompemoldes, a crafts creation space. There we had a very nice dinner while talking about Debian and FLOSS. The dinner was sponsored by the Plan4D assosiation. The event was joined by almost 20 people which different relations to Debian: I would like to thank all the attendants and Pablo Neira from Plan4D for the organization. I had to leave the event after 3.5 hours of great talking and networking, but the rest of the people stayed there. The climate was really good :-) Looking forward to another meeting in upcomings times! Header picture by Ana Rey.

3 November 2016

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (September and October 2016)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

17 October 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: nftables in Debian Stretch

Debian - Netfilter The next Debian stable release is codenamed Stretch, which I would expect to be released in less than a year. The Netfilter Project has been developing nftables for years now, and the status of the framework has been improved to a good point: it s ready for wide usage and adoption, even in high-demand production environments. The last released version of nft was 0.6, and the Debian package was updated just a day after Netfilter announced it. With the 0.6 version the software framework reached a good state of maturity, and I myself encourage users to migrate from iptables to nftables. In case you don t know about nftables yet, here is a quick reference: To run nftables in Debian Stretch you need several components:
  1. nft: the command line interface
  2. libnftnl: the nftables-netlink library
  3. linux kernel: a least 4.7 is recommended
A simple aptitude run will put your system ready to go, out of the box, with nftables:
root@debian:~# aptitude install nftables
Once installed, you can start using the nft command:
root@debian:~# nft list ruleset
A good starting point is to copy a simple workstation firewall configuration:
root@debian:~# cp /usr/share/doc/nftables/examples/syntax/workstation /etc/nftables.conf
And load it:
root@debian:~# nft -f /etc/nftables.conf
Your nftables ruleset is now firewalling your network:
root@debian:~# nft list ruleset
table inet filter  
        chain input  
                type filter hook input priority 0;
                iif lo accept
                ct state established,related accept
                ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type   nd-neighbor-solicit,  nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-advert   accept
                counter drop
Several examples can be found at /usr/share/doc/nftables/examples/. A simple systemd service is included to load your ruleset at boot time, which is disabled by default. If you are running Debian Jessie and want to give a try, you can use nftables from jessie-backports. If you want to migrate your ruleset from iptables to nftables, good news. There are some tools in place to help in the task of translating from iptables to nftables, but that doesn t belong to this post :-) nft The nano editor includes nft syntax highlighting. What are you waiting for to use nftables?

10 October 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: The day I became Debian Developer

Debian The moment has come. You may contact me now at :-) After almost 6 months of tough NM process, the waiting is over. I have achieved the goal I set to myself back in 2011: become Debian Developer. This is a professional and personal victory. I would like to mention many people who have been important for this to happen. But they all know, no need to create a list here. Thanks! This weekend I was doing some hiking in the mountains and had no internet conection at all. When I arrived back home, I discovered an email from Debian System Administrators on behalf of The Debian New Maintainer Team, in which they let me know that my official DD account had been created. During the last 6 month I have been trying to imagine the moment in which the process is finally completed (yes, I have been a bit impatient). At the end, the magical moment in the mountains was followed by the joy of the DD account. Curious how things happen sometimes. Here is a pic of this mountain day, with my adventure friends. I am the first from the left. pic

6 October 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: About Pacemaker HA stack in Debian Jessie

Debian - Pacemaker People keep ignoring the status of the Pacemaker HA stack in Debian Jessie. Most people think that they should stick to Debian Wheezy. Why does this happen? Perhaps little or none publicity of the situation. Since some time now, Debian contains a Pacemaker stack which is ready to use in both Debian Jessie and in Debian Stretch. Anyway, let s see what we have so far:
  1. The pacemaker stack was updated in Debian unstable around Feb 2016.
  2. They migrated to Debian testing by that time as well.
  3. Most of the key packages were backported to jessie-backports (if not all).
  4. Therefore, Stretch is ready for the HA stack, and so is Jessie (using backports).
The packages I m refering to are those which I consider the key components of the stack, and by the time of this blogpost, the versions are:
package jessie-backports stretch sid upstream
corosync 2.3.6 2.3.6 2.3.6 2.4.1
pacemaker 1.1.14 1.1.15 1.1.15 1.1.15
crmsh 2.2.0 2.2.1 2.2.1 2.4.1
libqb 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
How can you check this by yourself? Here some pointers: I m sure we even have the chance to improve a bit the packages before the release of stretch. There are some packages which are a bit behind the upstream version. In any case: Yes! you can move from Debian Wheezy to Debian Jessie!

23 September 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Blog moved from Blogger to Jekyllrb at GithubPages

This blog has finally moved away from blogger to jekyll, also changing the hosting and the domain. No new content will be published here.

New coordinates:

This blogger blog will remain as archive, since I don't plan to migrate the content from here to the new blog.

So, see you there!

22 September 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Google Summer of Code 2016

gsoc2016 This year, I mentored a student in Google Summer of Code 2016. I have been involved as a mentor in the Netfilter project, working with nftables and the translation layer between iptables and nft. The nftables framework is ready to use. I myself plan to deploy several production firewalls during upcoming months. Google just send me some goodies, a tshirt and a sticker. Thanks! :-)

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Initial post

jekyllrb Finally, I decided it was time to switch from blogger to jekyllrb hosted at github pages. My old blog at will still be online as an archive, since I don t plan to migrate the content from there to here.

27 August 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Why conntrackd in Debian is better with systemd

There has been some discussion [0] around my decision to drop sysvinit support in the conntrackd package in Debian [1] (version 1:1.4.4-2).

The rationale I used for such a movement was sent to the debian-devel [2] mailing list, and here it is:

Lots of people have talked to me with both support and disagreement with the change.

Before reading the rest of this blogpost, please note that I'm not interested in the 'systemd vs sysvinit' war, and starting now I will focus mainly on the subject of building a firewall cluster with netfilter technology and the reasons why I think sysvinit here is irrelevant.

I started working with firewall clusters by the time of Debian Squeeze. By then, I used only sysvinit, because it was the Debian default init system and because I did not dive so much in the internals of the firewall cluster itself.

By then, the conntrackd debian package included support for sysvinit by means of two files (the two files that I dropped in 1:1.4.4-2) :

Using both files, you could start/stop conntrackd, and nothing more (for example, a proper status check was not implemented).

The conntrackd daemon is used in HA firewall clusters to replicate connection states between nodes of the cluster, so flow states are known in all nodes and they can properly perform stateful firewalling.

When you build HA clusters, there are 2 basic states of the cluster you may check and adjust: failover and failback.

With conntrackd, the failover situation is straight forward: the other node has the state information already from the dying node.
The failback situation is different: depending on the configuration of both the cluster and conntrackd, the new node may ask for a complete synchronisation to the other node when it become alive again (at boot time, for example) . This is the case if you are building a multi-master firewall cluster (i.e: both nodes are seeing traffic and filtering at the same time).

Asking for a complete synchronisation is done by means of a new instance of conntrackd, which communicates using a UNIX socket to the main conntrackd daemon (the one which is actually communicating with the other node). A failback boot procedure may look like this:

  1. system boots
  2. firewall ruleset loading
  3. networking up
  4. conntrackd up (main sync daemon: using 'conntrackd -d'; UNIX socket is opened)
  5. request sync with other node (using conntrackd -n' which uses the UNIX socket opened in step 4)

In both sysvinit and systemd cases, the step 5 may be implemented using another dummy service which performs the required operations and that depends on the main service representing the step 4.

The point here is that steps 4 and 5 suffer a very bad race condition: the conntrackd daemon may open the UNIX socket (step 4) *after* the we try to use it (step 5).

As you could probably imagine, this is the worst possible scenario: as one of the nodes of the cluster is missing important flow state information the stateful firewall will drop packets and all the network monitoring alarms will start to ring... Ironically, just after a failback operation, when all of our cluster is supposed to be up an running.

To avoid the race conditions, some typical hacks could be implemented:

After a bit of research, I found that the last point could be implemented very easily using libsystemd, so the daemon inform of its internal state to systemd [4].

The solution is elegant, simple and offers more direct benefits:

So the clear winner for conntrackd is to go with systemd, using an unit service file of Type=notify. Using sysvinit is prone to the described race condition. No serious firewall cluster with this architecture would use sysvinit.

It's obvious to me that systemd is a better technology than sysvinit. The sysvinit approach has been OK for a while, and for me it was fascinating when I started developing init scripts and learning how things worked.
But now we have systemd. It's the default in Debian. It's far better.

Conclusions: yes, I will probably reintroduce sysvinit files just to avoid any flamewar.


5 August 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Spawning a new blog with jekyllrb

I have been delighted with git for several years now. It's a very powerful tool and I use it every day.
I try to use git in all possible tasks: bind servers, configurations, firewalls, and other personal stuff.

However, there has been always a thing in my git-TODO: a blog managed with git.

After a bit of searching, I found an interesting technology: jekyllrb hosted at github pages. Jekyll looked easy to manage and easy to learn for a newbie like me.
There are some very good looking blogs out there using this combination, for example:

But I was lazy to migrate this 'ral-arturo' blog from blogger to jekyll, so I decided to create a new blog from scratch.

This time, the new blog in written in Spanish and is about adventures, nature, travels and outdoor sports.
Perhaps you noticed this article about the Mulhacen mountain (BTW, we did it! :-))
The new blog is called,

I like the workflow with git & jekyll & github:

Who knows, perhaps this 'ral-arturo' blog ends being migrated to the new system as well.

1 August 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Huge work in the iptables debian package

Before I started contributing to the iptables package back in December 2015 it suffered from a numbers of problems so the package was clearly in very bad shape.

One of the first problems was the lack of VCS for the package, no git, not even svn. Of course this was easy to solve and I did it straight away importing iptables 1.4.21-2 into a git repository.

The 1.4.21-2 version was dated in May 2014. This is a lot of time for a package which is active upstream and which is installed in almost all the Debian systems out there.

The number of Debian bugs opened for the package was simply huge, and I cleaned the bugtracker as reported in the blogpost "Current status of iptables & nftables in Debian".

Netfilter project upstream released version 1.6.0 which includes the nftables-compat stuff (iptables on top of the nftables kernel engine, and also the translation tools). Adding this was not an easy task given the overall state of the package.

Also, users were asking for normal things, like Multi-Arch support (see #776041). Adding Multi-Arch support to iptables has been my personal packaging nightmare for a couple of months.

Michael Biebl, who is systemd Debian maintainer, required some changes in the iptables package as well (see #787480). This change asked for a package split to libiptc, libip4tc, libip6tc and libxtables-dev (instead of iptables-dev).
This binary package split was also required for a proper Multi-Arch support.

The situation has been clearly a huge challenge for me,: I made a lot of mistakes, I discovered how little I know about complex packaging, and I had to learn a lot about several stuff.
Probably some experts and experienced DD's could have solved the situation with more solvency, but at the end I enjoyed all the work and the learning :-)

All this changes required me about 60 commits to complete, in several uploads. The last one is 1.6.0-3 which is now in the NEW queue.

I would like to note that both Ana Guerrero and Michael Biebl invested a lot of time in reviewing and sponsoring the packages. Thanks you!

There are still work to be done, of course.

9 May 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Talk about contributing to FLOSS

The 26th of April I gave a talk in the University of Seville (ETSII) about contributing to FLOS software, focusing in the main projects I contribute to: Debian and Netfilter.

The talk was hosted by SUGUS, which is the university local group of FLOSS users.
The public were other students of the university, all of them young (like me), so the talk was very relaxed and formalities-free :-)

I talked my experiences in contributing to FLOSS, type of projects, how to start and how I integrate this with my full-time job.

Here is a video recording of the talk (in spanish):

I gave a similar talk some months ago to the students of the IES Gonzalo Nazareno.

8 May 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Continuous integration for the Debian HA stack

Good news. The Debian Continuous Integration system is just awesome.

If a developer of a package prepares and declares tests for a given package, this CI system will trigger these test from time to time.
These tests are intended to check packages 'as installed', i.e, test what the end user is going to use in a final system.

The CI system is being improved, and now it supports 2 architectures: amd64 and arm64. Also, it now implements LXC as a backend, so the level of isolation available to run tests is very good, allowing us developers to launch even more elaborated tests.

This is the case of the HA stack (pacemaker, corosync, crmsh...), and the good news is that Debian is now continuously testing these packages.

At the time of this blog post, these are the tests:

Check the CI page for corosync, pacemaker and crmsh for more details.

The basic tests for crmsh was contributed by myself, you can check the two [1][2] commits in the git packaging repo.

This means that we should be able to detect and fix issues in these software packages very early in the development cycle (very cheap and easy compared to fixing things once packages migrate to testing or even stable).

For all users of HA cluster with Debian, these are definitely good news. We have now a HA stack in a fairly different state than in previous years :-) Big step forward.

Most of my Netfilter packages also implement these tests, but that subject doesn't belong to this blogpost.

7 April 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Entering the Debian NM process

This week I've entered the Debian NM process to move from Debian Maintainer (DM) to Debian Developer (DD).

But, what have I been doing for Debian lastly?

I've been DM for the last year, after a couple of years maintaining packages with sponsors.

Since 2015 until this time of the 2016 year, I've done roughly 33 package uploads, opened 67 bugs and contributed to many others. I maintain and co-maintain now 9 packages, most of them Netfilter-related.

This is a graph of bugs assigned to my packages in the last natural year:

I was supported to start the process by Anibal Monsalve, and Vincent Cheng intermediately become by advocate.

The duration of the NM process can vary depending on a number of factors, from a couple of months to a couple of years.

BTW, I got my opened bug statistics with this small script:

4 March 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: How are we training to climb Mulhacen

Alcazaba, Punta de la Cornisa and Mulhac n 3.479 m

I have been in some adventures with a group of friends for a couple of years now. We call ourselves Los Extraviaos (a quick translation to english is perhaps The Wanderers).

We like nature adventures. During summer we use to do water adventures (like rivers trekking, waterfall climbing, snorkeling, canyoning, rafting, kayaking and so on). During winter and spring, we use to do trekking, hiking and mountaineering (low altitudes, keep reading).

For this sport season, one of our main milestones is to climb the second most prominent mountain in Spain: Mulhacen, with 3.479 m over sea level, during summer (June).
From an alpinist point of view, this isn't a very big deal, since most of the mountain's snow and ice is completely melted and the altitude is not that high.
However, from our amateur mountaineering point of view we will be taking a lot of kilometres to walk and a lot of elevation gain uphill (almost 1.600 m), which is in fact a thing to take into account.
Anyway, Mulhacen is considered 'high mountaineering' and all cautions should be taken both during preparation/training and during the climbing of the mountain itself.

To train our bodies and minds we are climbing lower mountains. We have climbed 3 or 4 already, and will continue to climb more in upcoming moths until we go to Mulhacen.
Also, it's important to climb mountains in different weather conditions. We need to train how to overcome wind, snow, storm, cold, night situations. The way we learn most is facing new, challenging situations.

We started by going to the summit of 'El Aljibe', 1.094 m over sea level, with about 500 m elevation gain uphill during 13 km.
This time, the weather was very windy. A video of the summit moment:

A pic of the group:

Next was the 'Torrecilla' peak. The summit is at 1.919 m over sea level, with about 900 m elevation gain uphill during 15 km.
This time we faced a snowy trekking.
Here a music video of that day:

The Torrecilla peak is in fact challenging with snow, so we went a second time, with even more snow and wind:

This second time we faced winds of 70km/h which, due to wind-chill, resulted in a very cold day.

We also went to Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park, in a hard trekking under snowfall:

This time we walked about 15 km with about 500m elevation gain uphill, while enjoying this kind of environment:

What's next: more mountains! We plan to reach 2.069 m over sea level next week in 'La Maroma' and keep doing steep trekking in upcoming months until we go in June to Mulhacen.

It should be very funny to do some FLOSS contribution from the summit of a mountain. Do you know of someone who did that?

3 March 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Current status of iptables & nftables in Debian

I would like to give an overview of what is the current status of iptables & nftables in Debian.
Some information contained in this article is not new, this post is about what happened to iptables & nftables in the last 3 months, focusing on the integration with Debian.
versionsBy the time of this article, upstream versions are:
Debian testing (stretch) contains updated versions of all of them:
  • iptables 1.6.0-2
  • nftables 0.5+snapshot20151106-1
  • libnftnl 1.0.5+snapshot20151106-1
The snapshot versioning thing in nftables and libnftnl is the result of packaging a few commits ahead of last upstream release to workaround some nasty bugs.
the iptables-compat stuff
The iptables 1.6.0 release contains a new set of tools called 'compat'. These tools uses the same syntax of iptables,ip6tables,arptables,ebtables but internally read/write data to the nf_tables kernel subsystem.
You can find these compat tools in a binary pacakge: 'iptables-nftables-compat'.

That is one of the approaches available to help admins migrate from iptables to nftables.

Other approach is textual translations. In this case, the admin calls the translation utility using iptables syntax to get the same rule written in native nft syntax.
However, this approach is a work in progress and Debian lacks of this functionality right now . I hope next upstream release of iptables will include some of this.
iptables maintenance
In Debian bug #805018, I contacted former maintainer Laurence J. Lane about the 1.6.0 upstream release and the need to pay attention to such a big release.
Unfortunately, it seems Laurence got his key expired, and he can no longer maintain any package until a new key is in place. Hope we can see him back soon.

So, I took over the maintenance of iptables, with the help of Ana Guerrero, which has been reviewing my work and sponsoring the uploads. Thanks Ana!

As part of this new maintenance, I cleaned up a bit the iptables bug tracker. I closed some very old bugs (see for example #295567 and #118187) which are no longer useful.
ready for stable?
With the stretch freeze coming by the end of 2016, I want to be sure that the main Netfilter packages are in shape for a Debian stable release.
I won't let packages migrate to stable if there is no extensive testing. It should be clear that packages are ready for Debian stable for me to let them go stable.

My concerns regarding nftables & iptables in stable are different actually:
  • iptables: piece of software too widespread. I don't want to break any system with the 1.6.0 migration.
  • nftables: the 0.5 release is old already with regards to the upstream development.
So please, let me know any feedback you may have :-)

24 February 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Playing with the HA stack in Debian strecth

Given the HA stack is now in very good shape in Debian stretch [testing by now] we can start playing a bit with these tools.

There are 2 main points in doing so now:
  1. reporting bugs
  2. systemd integration
The last HA stack was in Debian wheezy, which didn't include systemd. Good to take that into account.

My hardware: 2 virtual machines with 1 NIC each. I called them node01 and node02.
Using aptitude. install debian packages corosync, pacemaker, pacemaker-cli-utils and crmsh.

The installation of the packages is enough for corosync to start working.

$ sudo systemctl status corosync
corosync.service - Corosync Cluster Engine
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/corosync.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since mar 2016-02-09 11:01:24 CET; 3h 7min ago
Main PID: 14610 (corosync)
CGroup: /system.slice/corosync.service
14610 /usr/sbin/corosync -f
$ sudo crm status
Last updated: Tue Feb 9 14:11:33 2016 Last change: Tue Feb 9 11:01:48 2016 by hacluster via crmd on node01
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node01 (version 1.1.14-70404b0) - partition WITHOUT quorum
1 node and 0 resources configured
Online: [ node01 ]

Full list of resources:

Basic configurationYou will need to edit the /etc/corosync/corosync.conf file:

version: 2
cluster_name: lbcluster
transport: udpu
ringnumber: 0
mcastport: 5405
ttl: 1
provider: corosync_votequorum
two_node: 1
name: node01
nodeid: 1
name: node02
nodeid: 2
to_logfile: yes
logfile: /var/log/corosync/corosync.log
to_syslog: yes
timestamp: on

Note that if you choose the proper bindnetaddr directive, you can use the exact same file for all the nodes (see corosync.conf(5))

System, daemons, servicesYou may want to check that the corosync and pacemaker services are auto-started at boot time by systemd.
Do a reboot and check it:

$ sudo systemctl status corosync grep active
Active: active (running) since mi 2016-02-24 18:54:37 CET; 3min 11s ago
$ sudo systemctl status pacemaker grep active
Active: active (running) since mi 2016-02-24 18:54:38 CET; 3min 10s ago

Also, check that no firewall blocks the communication between both nodes.

Now, the status of the cluster should show both nodes working together (with no resources):

$ sudo crm status
Last updated: Wed Feb 24 19:01:13 2016 Last change: Wed Feb 24 18:43:32 2016 by hacluster via crmd on node01
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node02 (version 1.1.14-70404b0) - partition with quorum
2 nodes and 0 resources configured
Online: [ node01 node02 ]
Full list of resources:

ResourcesNow, you can start playing with the cluster resources. Below is an example of a virtual IPv6 address:

$ sudo crm configure primitive test ocf:heartbeat:IPv6addr params ipv6addr="fe00::200" cidr_netmask="64" nic="eth0"

Which should give this cluster status:

$ sudo crm status
Last updated: Wed Feb 24 19:13:46 2016 Last change: Wed Feb 24 19:11:45 2016 by root via cibadmin on node02
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node02 (version 1.1.14-70404b0) - partition with quorum
2 nodes and 1 resource configured
Online: [ node01 node02 ]
Full list of resources:
test (ocf::heartbeat:IPv6addr): Started node01

Congratulations, now you have a working HA cluster with a virtual IP address, using an active/backup approach.

Please, report any bug you may find.

17 February 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: An update about the HA stack on Debian

Great news! The HA stack has been finally updated and you can find now both pacemaker & corosync in Debian stretch.

This is thanks to the hard work of some people, specially Christoph Berg, Ferenc W gner, Martin Loschwitz and others.

By the time of this blogpost, in testing (stretch) you have:

Additionally, unstable contains:
which is great news. However, pcs just joined Debian and there seem to be some rough edges to be worked out.
what to do now
Now that the people mentioned above did the hard work developing the packages, please do test them and report bugs.
Having a great stretch stable release (including the HA stack) is in your hands as well.

best regards!

